Saturday, 18 December 2021

 Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people-Brian Tracy         

Yes, with this quote from one of my favorite authors and public speaker Brian Tracy I would like to ask you all what kind of Leader you are?

Leadership doesn’t require any designation; we all are leaders in some area of life and play different roles accordingly.

In many situations we have to deal with many kind of people and to accomplish any task we have to take support from our team because no one is able to accomplish any task alone. In this blog I would like to converse about an engaging topic. With a simple question I would like to start this topic, what is your leadership style when you are working on any assignment/projects or have to take any decisions? Do you believe in Informing or Involving?

According to Research Most of the leaders are willing to or I must say trying to involve their team members with them but somehow they failed to get them involved and make them informed. For this I have discussed this with some of the Leaders in my group and analyze their working pattern. And acquainted with the conclusion that consciously or Unconsciously Leaders behave like managers. They have a habit of informing their team members and behind this behavior sometimes they are not really aware of the drawback of being Informed and advantages of being Involved.     

If you practice this habit, it will really add an additional feather in your Leadership style and you will surely get extraordinary results as I mentioned above.

1. High Chances to Achieve Goal:

Being Involved shares feelings of creating importance for team members. It is human tendency that any of us feel glad and give their 100% without any instructions. Sharing information with employees makes them feel informed and they just act as per the instructions given but if you make them involved, they put extra efforts from their side and make it happen.

2. Get Support & Commitment:  

When people feel involved in any task or project, they will support you in any situation and act like you all are working in a mission with the same accountability and they committed themselves for the success.

3. Feel Involvement-Importance-Equality:  

It's normal that in every team, people want their importance and they hope for equal and fair treatment with all team members. If you really want to make them the same you have to give them a feeling of involvement.

4. Get Benefit of wider knowledge & Experience:

It’s not possible that any one person knows everything and anyone knows nothing. Everyone has their own perspective, knowledge and experience and if we are successful in involving our people, we will get important insights from all the Team Members.

5. Increase Productivity & Motivation:

When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute. If you involve your people, you need not to supervise them, you just have to motivate them. Motivation brings success, Supervision complete tasks by this only one sentence you can understand the importance of motivation. It definitely brings the success of our task and project definitely.

So, Leaders and Readers conclusion is that if you really want to make your Leadership Effective, Productive and Result Oriented Use your processes and invest in your People.

Did you find the approach discussed in this article helpful? I’d love to know what you think, please share your valuable insights in the comments and share how you can use this with your Team.

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You Can Do It !!!

“Success needs vision to see, passion to transcend, patience to withstand and the character to overcome failures”. With this blog I would li...